Support Fatal Encounters
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I’ve just got a short message today. Today is our last day for this crowdfunding campaign. We’ve got about 14 hours left. I’ve said this before, but I guess it’s appropriate to say this again, for the first two-and-a-half years of this project, I built, funded and managed it as a full-time job and as a public service.
I see no reason to change that philosophy.This crowdfunding campaign couldn’t have come at a worse time with two massive hurricanes pulling people’s attention and disposable income from this worthy cause. And I can’t think of anything that deserved people’s attention more.
Still, I saw the news today that a St. Louis judge acquitted former police officer Jason Stockley in the 2011 shooting death of Anthony Smith, and I’ve got a bad feeling about that news. I know that Phase II of this project will provide data and enable comparisons about police violence that have never before existed in this country. This data will enable everyone to search for the policies, procedures and training in regions and across time that result in the fewest deaths of the public and police and can be emulated in our own locales to produce the best outcomes. Every step we take moving Fatal Encounters forward gets us closer to this goal.
If you believe this a worthwhile ambition, please donate to our cause. If you’ve already been kind enough to help, please consider increasing your contribution. Together, we can make this happen.
Thank you,
D. Brian Burghart