The search below is an "all" function. Multiple choices can be selected by holding down the Ctrl or Cmnd key; the results display cumulatively. The final field is an "anything" search; search for things that are not likely to have a specific field, like Walmart or off-duty or -09-11 for all the deaths that happened on September 11 of every year.
It's generally best to only search within a single category at a time. For example, if a user wants to exclude suicides from the results, he or she would select everything except "suicide" under Intended use of force.
The results are set so people can view 500 records at a time. Clicking the "Click here to download as CSV" button will take you to a different page that displays a spreadsheet that can be downloaded 500 entries at a time.
Click here to download as CSV
For larger searches or to download the complete Fatal Encounters dataset, go to the Google Sheet. Go under File to Download and select Comma-separated values.
No entries match your request.